Introducing Season 9 of The Casted Podcast
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Lindsay Tjepkema: Welcome to the Casted podcast. It's the destination for the most innovative and forward- thinking marketers in B2B like you. Each week I host conversations with brilliant marketing leaders on the tactics and tricks that they're harnessing to reach their revenue goals, rev their thought leadership engines amplify their marketing voice in the marketplace and ultimately drive real business results.
Speaker 2: The companies that are really winning, especially in 2023, are the ones that are educating individuals. They're helping them solve pains, helping them to pivot and to realize opportunities that make them the hero within their business. And once they come around to that point in a buying cycle, they're going to go to the person that's been teaching them and guiding them over the period of time that they've just been learning.
Speaker 3: I think it's important for companies to experiment with stuff so that they know what works for your audience. We've seen the explosion in podcasting. A lot of people just prefer to consume content that way.
Lindsay Tjepkema: I'm Lindsay Tjepkema, CEO and co- founder of Casted, and this is the Casted podcast. If you like this show, you'll like our other episodes too, so consider subscribing, sharing with others, and maybe even leaving a review on your podcast platform of choice. You can also go to casted. us for the latest content from our team of experts to yours.
Welcome back to the newest season of The Casted Podcast where we delve into the world of B2B marketing and explore how podcasts can be a game-changer for businesses. In this season, we discuss the importance of experimenting with different marketing strategies and personalizing your approach, we explore how podcasts have exploded in popularity as a medium for content consumption and how competitors are using them to educate prospects, and we cover the power of podcasting to achieve business goals and discovering how podcasts can help you gain a voice and boost your marketing efforts.
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