Restaurant Marketing During the Pandemic with Misfit Media's Brett Linkletter and Camberlyn Sparks

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This is a podcast episode titled, Restaurant Marketing During the Pandemic with Misfit Media's Brett Linkletter and Camberlyn Sparks. The summary for this episode is: <p>This week we have Camberlyn Sparks and Brett Linkletter from Misfit Media. Brett is the CEO &amp; Co-Founder, and Camberlyn is their Digital Marketing Coordinator. Lindsay talks with both of them about driving your business and your strategy forward. Tune in to hear their amazing tactic that helped extend the reach of their show, <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Restaurant Misfits</a>.</p><p><br></p><p>Key Takeaways:</p><p><span style="color: rgb(66, 75, 90);">6:07 - 6:54: 💡 Pivoting the Business Because of Covid</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(66, 75, 90);">8:48 - 9:44: ♻️ Repurposing Content</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(66, 75, 90);">11:35 - 11:55: 👸🏽 Own Your Space</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(66, 75, 90);">13:39 - 14:05: 🎥 Using Video to Reach More Customers</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(66, 75, 90);">19:55 - 21:21: ⚡️Connecting Industry Leaders</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(66, 75, 90);">27:58 - 28:35: 🧩 New Social Media Strategy</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(66, 75, 90);">32:04 - 32:47: 👷🏽‍♀️Importance of Building an Audience</span></p>
💡 Pivoting the Business Because of Covid
00:46 MIN
♻️ Repurposing Content
00:55 MIN
👸🏽 Own Your Space
00:20 MIN
🎥 Using Video to Reach More Customers
00:26 MIN
⚡️Connecting Industry Leaders
01:26 MIN
🧩 New Social Media Strategy
00:37 MIN
👷🏽‍♀️Importance of Building an Audience
00:42 MIN

Lindsay Tjepkema: Welcome to season six of the Casted podcast. We're back with more of our very own Casted customers. Why? Because when you become a Casted customer, it's pretty clear how committed you are to not just podcasting, but really using podcasts as a key piece of the future of your marketing efforts. And also as part of the bigger picture of how all these shows all fit together into a holistic, integrated marketing strategy. The people that we're interviewing are the most forward- thinking leaders at the most forward- thinking brands that are really harnessing the perspectives of experts within their podcasts. And then they're ringing out those interviews to be amplified across all other channels. They're practicing what we preach. And I want you to hear all about what they're doing, how they're doing it, why they're doing it and how you can do it, too. I'm Lindsay Tjepkema, CEO and co- founder of Casted, the first and the only amplified marketing platform for B2B marketers. And this is our podcast. Today, we're talking with Brett Linkletter and Camberlyn Sparks of Misfit Media, a marketing agency serving the restaurant industry. And I am super excited about this episode. One, because they're doing some really, really incredible things with their show Restaurant Misfits. And two, because their story is a great example of how having meaningful conversations can drive your business and your strategy forward, no matter what industry you're in. In the face of the pandemic, the Misfit Media team turned to podcasting as a way to further connect with their audience and provide tangible solutions during a very, very trying time for those individuals. Listen in as Brett and Camberlyn unpack how and why the team shifted their strategy, why the show is growing so quickly and a pretty brilliant tactic for extending the reach of their show.

Camberlyn Sparks: I'm Camberlyn Sparks, I'm the marketing coordinator at Misfit Media. I'm responsible for the digital strategy behind the show Restaurant Misfits.

Brett Linkletter: And I am Brett Linkletter, the CEO of Misfit Media and your host on Restaurant Misfits.

Lindsay Tjepkema: Perfect. Awesome. Well, thank you so much for being here. Camberlyn and Brett, I'm so glad that you're here and we're going to get into on this video and podcast, we're going to talk videos and podcasting, so it doesn't get much, much more meta than that, right?

Camberlyn Sparks: Definitely. Yeah. We're excited to be here. Thanks for having us.

Lindsay Tjepkema: Awesome. Cool. Okay. So to get things started, I'm really excited for our audience to know about you and restaurant marketing and your place in the world. So can you tell us a little bit about Misfit Media and who you are and what you do, which is interesting anyway, but especially now just really, really cool.

Brett Linkletter: Yeah. So we inaudible, as you know, Misfit Media, we are a restaurant marketing agency based in Los Angeles. We currently serve restaurants all throughout North America. So the US and Canada, and we help restaurants get customers smarter through digital marketing. Obviously, since COVID hit last year, we changed a lot in our business. Our business was really focused on our catch line, used to be turning web traffic into foot traffic in- store, but obviously with COVID things changed. And so did our strategy on working with restaurants. And so we've adapted to what's happened. We've changed a lot about our service offerings, moving a lot of our business from in- store traffic to online ordering obviously. And it's been scary, but also really exciting. I mean, a lot of changes happening in our industry, a lot of scary changes, but also with scary changes comes new opportunities. So we've taken advantage of those opportunities. We actually grown quite a bit in the last six months because of the new changes we've made. And so we're really excited to see what's coming in this next coming year.

Lindsay Tjepkema: Yeah, absolutely. Okay. So let's talk about that. Let's talk about how you are growing and pivoting and changing and adjusting this year. What are you doing differently now and over the last year as a result of pandemic and how restaurants have been directly affected?

Brett Linkletter: Yeah. So, I mean, again, before COVID, we never did any kind of online ordering. Our entire strategy was using social media to get someone inside the restaurant within the four walls. But obviously since COVID right, a lot of restaurants closed down only doing takeout delivery. And so with those changes in what we could offer, we had to change our service offerings, right? So now what we do is we're still using social media. We're still capturing leads. We're still driving traffic and driving sales for the business, but a lot of it is more so on takeout delivery versus just in- store customers or a combination of both, depending on the rules and regulations around that specific restaurant. For instance, obviously restaurants in New York are very different than let's say restaurants in Florida, right? The rules and regulations are totally different. So depending on the restaurant we're working with, so our service chip will change depending on what we can and can't do.

Lindsay Tjepkema: For sure. And that's changes to the business, which is just a lot, I mean, it's a lot of change. That's pivoting and changing and adjusting your focus as a leader. But how has that, I mean, to take us in another level, how has that changed your marketing strategy and specifically we're talking about, audio and video content, how has that changed?

Camberlyn Sparks: I was going to say our marketing has definitely changed in the past few months. We're taking more of an omni- channel approach to it. So when I started, we were in our second season and I needed to determine how our podcast was going to fit into our overall marketing strategy to obviously increase brand equity and ultimately grow our business. So our podcast acts as a way for us to connect with restaurant owners and thought leaders in the space, which was really important for our business, with everything that has happened this past year. So obviously throughout the pandemic, the restaurant industry was hit hard time and time again, and many restaurant owners needed help figuring out ways to creatively pivot their business model to an entirely takeout and delivering system with limited in- store dining. So while providing and whilst still doing so with providing a unique customer experience. So our podcast has changed and our marketing to what Brett does, having guests that are thought leaders in the industry and can provide that information and valuable solutions in 40 minutes or less, and then cutting down those pieces to then be repurposed across channels. And where we can reach ultimately all those customers and create a community online because there's not a big restaurant podcast community when ultimately the restaurant industry is very inclusive and very community- esque and they do want to be bouncing ideas off of each other. So we're repurposing that content to then reach ultimately more customers and help provide solutions during these quote unquote, unprecedented times.

Brett Linkletter: I mean, Lindsey, one other thing too, is the whole reason we wanted to do a podcast in general was we're pretty active on our content in general, like posting through social media and being active on our YouTube channel and stuff like that. I mean, we push out a lot of content in general, but during COVID, I think actually COVID was what led to the podcast to start with, because we had a bunch of our clients saying," Hey, Brett, love your guys' content. But I'm a restauranteur, I'm usually on the go or I'm in the kitchen or whatever the case. I don't have time to watch a 20 minute, 30 minute YouTube video and sit there and just look at my phone or computer." They asked if we had a podcast actually initially. And that's when I had the idea," Oh, damn, maybe we should do this."

Lindsay Tjepkema: There's demand.

Brett Linkletter: It started out. Yeah. It was just, hey, maybe this is a cool opportunity. The other thing I thought about it was, hey, because on our podcast, we're interviewing lots of other restaurateurs, we learn a lot from that. We get a lot of good ideas from that for our business. But then also it allows me to actually build a relationship with some of these really big restauranteurs. I mean, literally, like Camberlyn said, we're now in our second season, we're probably getting, not even kidding about three or four inquiries a week now to be on our podcast as an interviewer. And a lot of them are good leads for us for our business to work with. So we'll do the podcasts and be like, hey, let's talk, build some rapport with them. Now they want to work with us after. So it's been a pretty good lead gen system for us too and in general. So we're giving a lot of value to our community, but it also, it's been great for acquiringnew clients.

Lindsay Tjepkema: Yeah. Let's talk a little bit about that because you've had some really incredible guests and like you said, if it's not only generating really great content that your audience loves, but also turning into leads for you, what advice can you give those people that are listening? And they're like," Okay. How do I do that too?" What, how did-

Camberlyn Sparks: On the marketing standpoint, we're trying out a new lead scoring system actually allocating points towards listeners and viewers. So then that Brett could get on a call with them and they're already warmed up. They know who we are and that's through repurposing that content. So it's not just taking that one episode, posting it and then saying, see you later, it's having it on our blog, on our YouTube channel. That's why we love our audio grams because our audio grams allow us to snip that little piece of content, send it out in an email blast. And our email blast is getting 45% open rates on these emails and then repurposing that on social. And it kind of becomes this whole ecosystem of the podcast where our potential prospects see us everywhere and see all these bite- size little content pieces that then they're able to come back around and be like," This is the company that I need to work for. I didn't think about it this way." And then in our marketing system, we have lead scoring that is basically allocating these points to our top viewers so that Brett can get on a call and be like,"This is what you need. This is what we need to do."

Brett Linkletter: The one thing that's helped us a lot though, Lindsay, as far as getting great guests is we actually partnered with a restaurant publication called Total Food Service. And it's basically just a strategic partnership. And like Camberlyn said, we had this whole lead scoring system that we have on our backend, but they're just, they're the ones driving us all these great guests, which has been really incredible for us and a huge time saver. I mean, I don't reach out to anyone to be on the show. They just all come to us. And then, so they're all they're doing that on their end. So I would say for anyone who wants to start a podcast, partner with someone who's a publisher in your space. Partner with someone who wants to have a podcast, but then doesn't have the personality or the time or the know how to do it. We're marketers, we're content creators. So this was easy for us. Personally, I don't want anyone on our team having to reach out to all these people because it's a lot of work, right? So we find a publisher that's in our industry, wanted a podcast. We're like," Hey let's partner." They just told us also, by the way, we're going to start charging ad space on our podcasts. So we're not going to start making money with the podcast, which is killer. And then, because we've just been doing this two or three podcasts a month now, I think we're starting to see that organic lift too, that's why I was saying, as of recently, now there's three or four inquiries a week. I just got an inquiry. I'm not going to say the name, but this company is worth over 500 million. It's a software tech company in the restaurant space that just reached out and they're like," Hey, you guys are cool. Like we want to be on the show." I'm like," What? All right. Sweet."

Lindsay Tjepkema: Yeah, because when you own your space. And when you show not only your passion and your excitement for the space, but a real understanding of your audience by having the conversations that they're going to want to listen in on and delivering them the content that they can learn from, they can be educated by and entertained by, you're going be seen as the trusted thought leader that people want to want to work with. So let's talk too, because you've got a strong podcast game and a strong video game. And you've talked about that video game, video game and video had a baby. But so tell me how you use the word omni- channel, which I love. And you've done a lot to make sure that everything flows togetherand you're speaking my language and taking a conversation and using that to fuel everything else. Tell me how that works at Misfit Media. How does that process actually work? How do you see that rich audio and video content? Where does it fit in your strategy?

Camberlyn Sparks: Yeah. So for me, I handle all of the video content and repurposing of the content. So for us, a big part of our audience lives on YouTube. They come there for a lot of our information on how to market their restaurant, simple tips and tricks, whatnot. So having that presence at our podcast on YouTube is really important for us. So Brett is producing content three or four times a week for our YouTube channel. That's in compliments to the podcast. So I'm going in there and clipping these little pieces of content. I probably will get 15 pieces of content from one episode that is brings so much value, that it would be a waste to just throw it away. So I'm clipping that content and then I'm editing it. I'm figuring out the best spots in the episode that I think will hit home the most and then posting that on YouTube, on social, in our blog and whatnot, and having that whole ecosystem work together. And honestly, video has been huge for us. It's been a way for us to reach a lot of customers and create that brand equity gives a face to the name and ultimately helps Brett when he is on these calls to then already have them warmed up and buttered up. And they know what Misfit Media is, and video has been huge for us in that way. It's how we run ads and whatnot. So it all works together and compliments one another.

Brett Linkletter: Yeah. I think, like Carolyn said, when we were in, she's saying, we have this whole community, it holds ecosystem, the omni- channel ecosystem. A lot of times someone will first hear about us through an ad. They'll just come across us on an ad on Facebook or Instagram, but they're not clicking through immediately and booking a phone call of a sudden sudden. A lot of times they are obviously, and that's great, but oftentimes they see an ad. They're like, who's this guy or what's this company. They start doing some research. They listen to a podcast. It might even, we have a book. They might even order a book. And then six months later they book a phone call, but it's the combination of all this. Like you said, being a thought leader in the space. Having a book, having a podcast, doing all these things, they make us look so much better than our competition, it's stupid. I mean, if you're a restaurant and you're going to work with some agency, and you're looking at the agency that has a published book, a podcast with 28 episodes plus, with some really cool people and all this content coming out consistently, or you have this other agency, that's like," Eh, we do restaurant marketing." I mean, who are you going to work with? You know what I mean? So it helps a ton. It's huge.

Camberlyn Sparks: Yeah. It ultimately just boosts our brand equity.

Lindsay Tjepkema: And credibility and trust. That's the basis for relationships. And if what you're trying to do is asking someone to start a relationship with you, if you can come out of the gate, just being obviously credible and obviously somebody that other entities in your space trust, and therefore they're doing interviews with you and basically validating you, that's huge. It makes it really easy, like you said, to reach out to you versus anyone else. So tell me also about, because you have both video and podcasts, which came first for everybody who's listening, which came first for you and how do they intersect with each other? Or is it one and the same? Do you pull audio from your video? Are they completely separate? Is it a little bit of both, where do they fit with each other?

Camberlyn Sparks: For the first season, I believe we just had audio. Am I correct on that, Brett?

Brett Linkletter: Yeah. So, okay. crosstalk

Camberlyn Sparks: I started in the second season.

Brett Linkletter: I know Casted, now you guys have the video thing. For us as a business, we were doing just video before. Now, with a podcast, let's do audio because it's great if you're on the go, you're driving, but then now we're doing both simultaneously. Submerged.

Lindsay Tjepkema: And that's what I was getting at. Is that you've had this video strategy that's been really strong and then you added podcast to the mix. And I'm curious to see maybe a better way to ask that is how are you looking at that moving forward? How do you see those intersecting or staying separate and serving your audience in two different ways? Just what's your vision for it?

Brett Linkletter: Here's something I would think about for anyone in general has a podcast and wants to do video also, for me, if I'm listening to a podcast, I'm just listening, right? I don't see anything. So I'm just, I'm listening, I'm on the go, I'm whatever. And I'm just hearing, and I'm judging based off the quality of the conversation. And that's about it. Maybe the quality of the audio. The second you introduce the video is there's other aspects to it. So you want to hope actually that the person you're interviewing is presentable. There's a good backdrop. It looks good because otherwise it kills your episode I think. I mean, I don't want to say names, but I've interviewed some of our clients that they've showed up to a testimonial for us and they just it's not the best presentation. And I think that can hurt the audio. I think at the end of the day, if you can do video, go for it because it's a great way to connect and really be personal with someone, right? But audio is great because especially in our industry, a lot of these guys that they don't have time to watch a YouTube video, 30, 40, 50 minutes. So for them on the go is, I've had so many emails of people just emailing us, replying to emails for that Camberlyn sends out on a weekly basis saying," Love the podcast, literally listened to you guys every time you launch a podcast on my way to work," and that's cool, you can't do that by watching videos. So I think having both is huge if you can do it correctly, again, you don't want to be the person on video that if you have a bad backdrop, things look weird, it's not worth it. Don't even touch it. But if you can make it look good, you should do it for sure because they're both great.

Lindsay Tjepkema: Definitely. And I love to, I mean, because you're in the restaurant industry, right? And I think quite often a question that we get from people that are looking to start in podcasting or in video is," Yeah, but I don't know about my audience. Is my audience going to want to consume this kind of content? Are they going to really look for thought leadership content?" And I think the answer is always yes. I mean, we work with, and even my entire career, everything from industrial to financial institutions, to the restaurant industry and everything in between, people sell to and buy from people and people in their roles are looking for guidance on how to do their job better and how to advance in their roles and how to grow their brand or grow their business. And to me, people are always looking for that thought leadership and looking for that trusted guide that makes it a really easy decision to engage into in a relationship. I mean, you're in the restaurant marketing world, but tell me a little bit about your thoughts in that and like," Hey, I don't know if this works for my industry." What 2 cents would you give to anybody who might be feeling that right now?

Camberlyn Sparks: Well, I think just in general restaurant owners in our industry are just so busy that they don't have time to just sit around and figure it out for themselves. They want the solution. So for us, podcasting is a great opportunity to connect industry leaders in the space. So that means bringing on guests who have experience in the industry and who can ultimately provide that value. And it's a great way to reach them and add those 40 minutes of value to their day, that they can then take and implement into their business. And think maybe I should think about it this way, or especially right now in the current climate, how these restaurants are pivoting and creating these unique experiences. That's huge because there's not really one method works all. So having multiple guests that come on are experiencing different things, have different perspectives, different solutions, I think is huge for the industry. It's how it's changed. And it's also what people I think are more interested in consuming because everyone wants to know, what should I be doing to better my business or move my life forward? How should I do that? What are other people doing to take those steps? And I think that's where our podcast comes into play is providing that system to establish the groundwork for that. It's also just a very powerful tool in marketing. Increases, like I said, brand equity, our relationship. It allows you to reach larger audiences and it's a huge opportunity for us to get a pulse on our industry.

Brett Linkletter: Yeah. I think any industry could use a podcast. I mean, if you think social media can benefit you, a podcast can benefit you. Everyone is so obsessed with building a following on social media for the last few years. And honestly, at this point, I'm not going to say you're too late, but you're too late. If you haven't built a following on social media. And if you're trying to build an Instagram tomorrow and build it up to have a fan base, good luck, right? But I think a podcast, there's still not that many businesses that have their own podcasts. So it's still an early thing. I mean, for us, our podcast, Camberlyn knows the numbers is growing every single week. It's really cool. I mean, if you just search" restaurant" on Spotify, we're one of the top podcasts now and I'm like," What the hell? How did this happen?" And we're just pushing it out and that's it. So it's still early. For me in our business, personally I'm looking at the most podcasts as a way of organically building our reach. That's number one for us. And then probably number two, which we haven't really dabbled in quite yet, but I'm super intrigued by and Camberlyn's going to laugh, but it's TikTok. TikTok is also another great channel because it's new and it's early still, and you can build a following pretty quickly. So I think building an organic audience on a podcast and then TikTok are our two organic strategies we're going to be pushing pretty hard this year.

Lindsay Tjepkema: That's great to hear because people do think because podcasting obviously is huge. People are talking about podcasting all over the place, but you compare, and this is your old numbers now, but my marketing director and I were talking months ago about we crossed the threshold of 600 million blogs in the world, right? 600 million. Yet, so many of us are still blogging, which is great. You should blog if it makes sense for you and you have the resources, blogging is great. Helps with SEO helps to disseminate thought leadership, that's great. But there's only right now, not even 2 million, 2 million, not 200 million, 2 million podcasts in the world. So yeah, it feels like it's saturated. It feels like there's a lot happening in podcasting. And it's just because people are interested. They're still very, very much, to your point, an opportunity to get out and own your space like you are. To understand your audience and to serve them with great content and to really build a following.

Brett Linkletter: I mean, I honestly, I think we'll probably be the top podcast in restaurants in the next six months. I mean, legit. I don't know. Maybe there's someone I haven't seen yet. Maybe someone's going to see this and say," No. Screw that." But no, I think we are. I think literally we'll be the number one podcast on the planet. I don't know, literally, why not? I think ours is better than anyone else's.

Lindsay Tjepkema: It is, it's so good. And you guys are creating such great content and it's not just the podcast, you guys are doing really, really great video content too. And so if you're in the space, even if you're not in the space, people should check it out because you're doing great things. And even if, this podcast is for marketers. So marketing managers all the way up to marketing leaders, and there's a lot to be learned by what you're doing, because you're getting really great guests on your show. You're doing so much with that content to your point Camberlyn earlier in the conversation, it's not just about capturing a conversation. It's about creating great audio grams and growing your audience by growing your reach with every conversation. And so I highly encourage people to take a look at what you're doing and how you're using that content, how you're driving incredible guests on your show, how you're using every opportunity to capture incredible information from those guests and then to wring it out and amplify it across other channels. You're ahead of your time, which is why you're being rewarded so greatlywith your following. So kudos to you. And I'm interested to know two things, what maybe that you haven't shared yet because we've gotten into a lot of areas, but would you share with our audience about how you're doing what you're doing? So any advice, and then two, what are you excited about from here? Where are you going? What's next and what are you going to do with this audio and video content, next steps?

Camberlyn Sparks: So, I would say, podcasting I think is just great for building a network. And I think we've found that niche part of our industry, where we're able to really hit home on that. So that makes me very excited about it and also harnessing the voice of the experts on the show is something that really just excites me. That's why we love our audio gram so much. That's why I'm excited about this video content that's coming with Casted. It's another great way to get in front of our audience and push that content, which will ultimately just lead us to being the best restaurant podcast on the planet. But I think it's just a great way to pull that bite- size content and highlight it and repurpose it in three to five pieces, pull out that content and bring value to the industry leaders. And I think the great thing about us is we have found industry leaders that have really proven their place in the industry and can help. And I think that's why our podcast is doing so well is because we found that niche market. And I think for video and audio where it's going and what excites me the most is just finding that intersection of the two where they're both compliment each other and driving new subscribers, new listeners, unique listeners, and ultimately how that will help grow our business.

Brett Linkletter: The other thing I just Camberlyn forgot that we just implemented actually, Lindsey, you probably have never heard of anyone doing this, which is really cool is we've just launched a pretty bad- ass strategy. So what we're doing now is actually really cool. So we basically take the podcast now from a guest, which by the way, guests are not coming to us now because they are looking at it as a marketing opportunity for them. They're looking at us as like," Hey, this is a great opportunity for us to get in front of a lot of people." So one they're looking at us like," Damn, these guys are awesome." Then the second, then they get on the show. Then we follow up after the show and we say," Hey, look, the show was so successful," when they are successful, right? Not everyone. But when they do, when they go really well, of course we want to follow up." Hey, it was so successful. It was really cool. Well, we also want to do now is leverage your audience and ours to push this to even more people like your audience." So literally what we'll do is we'll actually create a little bite- sized piece of content from the podcast. Then we'll run it as an ad to their following on social media and our following on social media. And we'll rent to people that look like they're following. So now we expand both of our audiences together. So we're actually taking the podcast, creating content from that, and then reaching more people now with it to expand our audience even more, which further helps the podcast further helps build our brand equity and further helps get more leads for us. So not only are now we get reaching the listeners that listen to the podcast, but we're now leveraging these now audiences to reach even more people which helps to grow even more over time. So it's actually, it's really incredible.

Lindsay Tjepkema: That's great. That's great. So there's, there you go. That's that's the big takeaway. If you're looking for like an actionable, what can I do? There you go. Capture a great conversation, a really effective one, create basically an ad from that content and don't spam people, but be smart about it and use it to grow your audience and to keep the people that have already heard it and already experienced it coming back and to get in front of new people. That's really smart.

Camberlyn Sparks: crosstalk campaign that's what we've ultimately done. To run a great brand is inaudible campaign.

Brett Linkletter: Totally. And then also if I'm interviewing great guests, right? Now I'm positioning our company with someone who's also really well known in the industry and that builds trust in us too, right? I mean that's exactly how it works. And so it's, you can do some really incredible stuff, but it starts with having the content, the right system to create that content.

Lindsay Tjepkema: So true. It all starts with the conversations and then allow yourself to get creative with it and say, how can I use this? Like the conversation is great and yes, it's really effective in inviting somebody in to listen in on it and to be a part of that conversation. But that's just step one. There's so many ways that you can use it and bring it out and just make it so much more effective for your brand.

Brett Linkletter: A hundred percent.

Lindsay Tjepkema: So very cool. Very cool. So, okay. And before I let you go, what's next? What are some of the things you're most excited about related to audio and video? I mean, we've talked about that a little bit, but.

Camberlyn Sparks: Like I said earlier, the intersection between the two, so pushing out video now, more so than just audio, I think is huge. Like I said, a lot of our content comes in the form of video. So having that asset on our podcast I think is going to be huge for us. We already do post the full episodes Zoom video on our podcast or on our YouTube page. But I think having it on our actual Casted landing page and then ultimately on other ones, I think is going to be huge for us so that when they do come to these platforms, they can actually see the video. They can see these bite- size now video grams, and they can actually put a face to the name. So that's what I'm excited for is leveraging that. And then ultimately like what Brett was just telling you about our brand awareness campaign is having that video content now for these campaigns to then boost, reach more customers and more leads and get more people to be listening to our podcasts and subscribe, and then ultimately help us and them and create these lookalike audiences that we can then market to. That's ultimately our end goal is how we grow as a business is having these audiences to generate leads from. So that's something that we're super excited for in terms of video and pushing that out and then creating more revenue for us on our end.

Lindsay Tjepkema: Yeah. I love that.

Brett Linkletter: Yeah. I mean, the thing you want to think about at the end of the day, is we're advertisers. We spend literally millions a year on ads. That's what we do. But something I'll tell you as an advertiser is costs are going up every single year. Every single year, costs are rising, rising, rising. So, the whole reason podcasting for us has been such an interesting thing is, I think it's so important to build an audience. You got to be able to organically reach people today.

Lindsay Tjepkema: Yep. And own it. Build it and own it. And crosstalk as much as you can.

Brett Linkletter: Yeah. If you're a hundred percent rely on every single time you need to reach people, you got to spend money, that works now. And we do that quite a bit, but over time, it's going to probably not work out for you in the long run. So for us as a business, we know that we have to build this audience and that's a combination of our email list, our phone list, our podcast audience, maybe TikTok real soon. It's find these organic channels so that you can leverage that later for the longterm. So, I think podcasts is great. You just got to do it. You're going to learn so much from it. And also at the same time, you're going to connect with so many people that you never would have been able to. I mean, I spoke to a guy two weeks ago who raised$ 120 million for his business. I'm like," I would have never spoken to this guy." You know what I mean? It just, it opens up so many doors. So I think it's a no brainer, honestly. You just have to do it.

Lindsay Tjepkema: Yeah. With interviewing people. I mean, it's because we're talking now and you get to talk to more and more people. And it's not just meeting them. It's not just including them as a guest on your blog. It's not just connecting with them on a social media platform. It's you literally having a conversation and that builds relationships. It builds a connection they can build on from there. So totally agree. Totally agree. So you all are doing really, really, really cool stuff. You're using these channels in a really creative way. And I'm so excited. We're so excited to be working with you and to be a part of this big stuff that you're doing. So where can people find it and be inspired by your creativity?

Camberlyn Sparks: So we're on Apple, Google, Spotify, Amazon, you can go to listen. restaurantmisfits. com, and you can also find all of our audio grams on YouTube and on Instagram @ misfitmedia, and all of our content is on there. Also our blog marketing. misfitmedia. com. Great places to find our bite-sized content. If you're looking for help in marketing and in the restaurant space in particular, those are the places to go and find us. We have some really great content on there. So I encourage everyone to check it out.

Brett Linkletter: Yeah. I think if they just search Restaurant Misfits, we should pop up. Hopefully you just search restaurant and we pop up.

Camberlyn Sparks: Yeah. One day.

Lindsay Tjepkema: There you go. That's all you need.

Brett Linkletter: Got to increase that SEO.

Lindsay Tjepkema: Yeah. I think probably the audio and video content, you're probably getting close as far as search for restaurant and then you find it, so.

Brett Linkletter: I think on Spotify, I think if you just type in restaurant we'll come up third or fourth.

Lindsay Tjepkema: That's awesome.

Brett Linkletter: Almost number one.

Lindsay Tjepkema: That's amazing. Well, thank you so much for sharing some of the magic that's gotten you to where you are and your vision for where you're going. It's exciting. Thank you for your sharing. That's our show. Thanks so much for listening and for more from today's guest and some pretty amazing content that they've inspired visit Casted. us And be sure to subscribe to our newsletter, to get the latest on all things amplified marketing, B2B podcasting, and a lot more.


This week we have Camberlyn Sparks and Brett Linkletter from Misfit Media. Brett is the CEO & Co-Founder, and Camberlyn is their Digital Marketing Coordinator. Lindsay talks with both of them about driving your business and your strategy forward. Tune in to hear their amazing tactic that helped extend the reach of their show, Restaurant Misfits.

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Today's Host

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Lindsay Tjepkema

|Co-founder, Casted

Today's Guests

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Camberlyn Sparks

|Digital Marketing Coordinator
Guest Thumbnail

Brett Linkletter

|CEO & Co-Founder