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Partner and Influencer Marketing via Podcasting with PingPong’s Ryan Cramer

This is a podcast episode titled, Partner and Influencer Marketing via Podcasting with PingPong’s Ryan Cramer. The summary for this episode is: <p>PingPong's Partnership Marketing Manager, Ryan Cramer joins Casted's Customer Success Manager, Clay Mosley to discuss how Ryan uses video and podcasting to build an engaging e-commerce community and amplify all the content he creates. </p><p><br></p><p>Key Takeaways:</p><p>🎤 03:18&nbsp;-&nbsp;05:46 How PingPong got started in podcasting</p><p>🧩 06:06&nbsp;-&nbsp;07:50 Advice for creating a podcast</p><p>💥 10:20&nbsp;-&nbsp;12:56 How to amplify your content across various platforms</p><p>🎉 18:30&nbsp;-&nbsp;20:56 What stands out about Casted</p><p>🔥 21:18&nbsp;-&nbsp;22:48 How Casted's integration with YouTube can impact workflow</p><p>💡 27:31&nbsp;-&nbsp;28:52 Strategies for efficiency: Make your time valuable in different ways</p>